Project Description: Free Time

Master’s Programme: MUVAD Urban Vision & Architectural Design
Project Leader: Elisa Cristina Cattaneo
Student: Victoria Paltilov

The project "Free Time" explores the utilization of urban infrastructure in response to the pressures of urbanization. It examines how individuals engage with their environment during their leisure time and aims to identify patterns in spatial movement.
The concept is founded on two key indicators: distance and frequency. Activities are categorized into daily, weekly, and yearly segments. As the time frame extends, the distance from home typically increases. Frequency is treated as a personal metric, influenced by individual habits and lifestyles. This analysis seeks to understand how these dynamics shape urban experiences and inform landscape design, ultimately enhancing the quality of life in urban settings.

Educational Focus:
This academic project encourages students to critically assess urban infrastructure and its impact on leisure activities. Through data analysis and conceptualization, the project aims to contribute to the discourse on sustainable urban development and the role of public spaces in fostering community engagement and well-being.
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